~Sliding Scale Info~

 1) $0-100 - Community Supported

+You’ll be supported by those in community to pay for your tattoo

+Suggested for those who are unable or struggle to meet basic needs

+Generally reserved for Black, Indigenous, and historically oppressed groups of people affected by racism, colonialism/imperialism, & gender/sexuality violence

2) $175 - Artist Value

+You will be adequately compensating me for my time and contributing to my ability to pay my own bills

+Suggested if you’re able to meet your basic needs and have some expendable income, especially for tattoos

3) $225 - Supporter

+A portion will be for supporting someone else who can’t quite afford their tattoo

+Suggested if you can meet your basic needs comfortably and have ample expendable income

Pay on this end of the scale if you:

  • receive public assistance

  • your earning power has been limited due to your race, living with disability, lack of access to education/community, gender, sexuality, etc.

  • have dependents (children, parents, or anyone relying on your income)

  • don’t have savings

  • are formerly incarcerated

  • do illegal work for survival

  • have significant debt that prevents you from being able to meet your basic needs

  • have less money because of abuse

  • have immigration related expenses

  • are an elder with limited financial support

  • unable to access healthcare/don’t have insurance


Pay on this end of the scale if you:

  • have little to no dependents, or if you do you don’t have trouble supporting their needs

  • have savings, investments, inherited money, and/or retirement account

  • have access to family money and resources in times of need

  • own the home you live in or any commercial/rental properties

  • travel recreationally every year

  • have more possible earning power from being: able bodied, having a college degree, social networks, family connections, gender, race, etc. (even if you aren’t using it right now)

  • work part time by choice

  • able to access healthcare/have health insurance

  • have a joint household income that allows financial comfort

  • able to afford a large tattoo at least once a year or multiple tattoos in a year

Why community tattoos?

While tattoos are generally viewed as a non-basic need thing and art as a luxury item, I want to challenge these views and push back against capitalist ideas that we don’t need art. I strongly believe art and aesthetics and even luxury to an extent is a human right. It improves our quality of life to have access to beautiful and pleasing things and unfortunately the arts often gets cut out when the budget is not there for it.

How does it work?

When you book your appt, you’ll need to state which bracket you want to pay (1, 2, or 3). This is honor system based. You won’t be asked to prove your financial standing nor will you be judged or treated differently for whichever bracket you decide to pay. You also won’t be judged if you could afford a tattoo before but can’t in the future due to financial changes, or vice versa.

If you are asking for a Community Supported tattoo, spots are limited so scheduling may be several months out but please reach out regardless to be added to the waitlist. Again, you DO NOT have to explain anything, just ask.

Pricing/wording may be adjusted in the future :) feedback welcome - ajunkysock@gmail.com

Want to support this but don’t need a tattoo? Venmo @ajunkysock as friends/family - use emoji in notes!

Flash Sheets that qualify for sliding scale:

Note: All flash from these sheets are repeatable/not one-offs! Size limit of a credit card or slightly smaller/bigger. No adjustments to designs - color/shading can be added later but not in the first session.